13.04. – 16.04.2012 "Hüttengaudi" in the Bavarian Forest



Our first night in the mountain cabin we had to begin with getting comfortable with the local beer and liquor and after cooking together and dinner, we finally made friends with it :) - it was a really fun evening.

After the hangover breakfast the next morning we went out for hiking. After 2 hours of cross-country and uphill wandering along Michi's secret paths we finally reached Hansel's hut quite out of breath and Olli and Svenja even had to suffer from painful blisters (the wimps). As a reward for our exertions we got homemade cakes, snacks and liquor up there. After dinner in the evening we immediately dropped dead into our beds.

On rainy Sunday our hosts took us to "Haus der Wildnis" (house in the wilderness) in Ludwigsthal where we could see wolves, aurochs and wild horses up close.

Also rainy Monday we spent alone with laundry, photo editing and journal writing after the departure of Michael and Svenja.


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